consistently maximizing Your Growth potential through coaching/mentoring/training

What holds you back is not your capabilities – it’s your fears. At Sculpting Success we help our clients take their life/career to the next level. Gain new skills and confidence to overcome limiting beliefs, and exhibit passion that inspire others to follow you


Improve Employee Performance

Build training programs that are tailored to your organization’s size, history, sector and are tailored to specific needs of your organization.

Empower Individuals to Excel

Our programs train and mentor individuals who wish to move to the next level of leadership and is ready assume larger responsibilities.

Work Productively in Teams

We aim at helping people in teams work better together. This will help you make a meaningful contribution – and increase your chances of doing a great job.

Explore The Possibilities

Scroll though our website and read more about our training programs, and explore the wealth of options available for your organization across multiple skill suites. Our training programs fulfills employee’s areas of development and leverages their potential to achieve much  higher productivity and efficiency in their role.

Expertise From A
Wide Variety Of Industries

Since 2021, we have been helping people realize their potential and help them chart out their individual action plan and own their development. Our programs help individuals from various industries to sculpt themselves better and become more productive. Learn more about us and our expertise in delivering training solutions

Delivering Solutions For
Corporate Mentorship Needs

Mr. B Natarajan is an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) and a Honorary Director for Learning & Development of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), Chennai Chapter. He has 30 years of comprehensive experience in some of the reputed companies with wide experience in different verticals and industry sectors


30 Years Experience

BN is an Engineer turned HR professional, heading the HR function for the past decade and has experience in finding innovative solution to complex HR issues and implementing the same.

Communication Expert

BN has extensive knowledge, research and experience in coaching high-powered leaders and individuals. He has been a speaker at conferences and guides several top corporates.

4000+ Hours Trained

His multidisciplinary expertise has brought clarity to difficult and complex situations for both individuals and corporates. With over 4000 hours spent with clients he is one of the most sought after corporate trainers in India.

Our Major Clients

Fake It To Make It

It turned out to be disappointing vacation for my family in the year 2017. We had been to Kuala Lampur, Malaysia for a family vacation. The first signs were excessive thirst and frequent urge to

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Leaders As Coaches

One of the important competencies that differentiates a leader from a Manager is the his ability to influence his team to go for the vision set for the team. Can someone be influenced?

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How Beliefs are Formed …

During my younger days, while visiting temples in South India, I have noticed big elephants standing at the entrance and blessing people with it’s trunk. The size of the elephant used to scare me. My

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