Once Upon a time there was a calf. One evening he walked home through a thick jungle. The distance to his home was only one km, but he walked 3 kms since like all calves, he wandered here and there, left and right, up and down.

The next morning a shepherd’s dog passed that way and saw the calf’s hoof marks, and followed the path of this calf through the woods. Shortly after, the first sheep of a folk followed the path and behind him all the other sheep. Thus a path thru the wood was made.
The path gradually became a lane, the lane a road and horses and bullock carts followed it – the steps of the wobbly calf. Men began to use that path, cursing its twists and turns as they did, but doing nothing about it.

Century later the road became a street, and then a city’s crowded through fare with thousands following in the foot steps of the wandering calf.
3 centuries later the road became the main street of a very large city. Buses lorries, cars followed the zig-zag path of the calf.
– From a poem by Walter Foss (1895)
The above story indicates our mindset. We keep cursing the plight of various situations that we live in without realizing these are made by a wandering mind. Why are we following the path of the wandering calf. why not stop and ask questions. Find ways of changing the path straight.
In life we come across many such situations. The choice is ours. Keep blaming or make the change happen.
“Be the Change that you want to see”. – Mahatma Gandhi