Recently I was addressing a group of young working professionals. Some of them felt they are working hard but haven’t been considered for promotion. When I asked them what are the competencies required for the next level and what have they done to develop themselves, the general answer is the company hasn’t sent them for any training program. That leads to my question “Who’s Responsible for Our Development”?
Listed below are the 5 important things we Don’t want to do, when it comes to our Self Development:
Don’ts 1: Don’t Outsource your Development
Is it not our responsibility to develop ourselves? How much do we invest in time and money on our own development? My advise to youngsters is to allot a percentage of money on your developmental needs. This could be attending some public workshops, getting some certification related to their area of specialisation or subscribing to professional bodies and related journals.
Don’ts 2: Don’t Compare
Each of our life is unique and there’s no point in comparing o life with that or our friends. The needs also differ from person to person. The best is to decide, what we want to be in our life and what are our vision for our life. Our actions should be focused on achieving those vision.
Don’ts 3: Don’t get Distracted
When we have set our Vision for ourselves, it becomes important for us to be focused on developing our skills needed to achieve the vision. We encounter numerous distractions in our life while we progress towards our goals. The one’s who are successful are the one who maintains their focus.
Don’ts 4: Don’t Give-up
Nothing is life is a straight line. There are ups and downs in our journey towards our goals. It’s imperative to be grounded when we are in the ups and maintain our confidence when we are in the downs. Self belief and belief in the process of development are very important. It would be advisable to seek assistance of a coach when you feel you are down.
Don’ts 5: Don’t Listen to ‘Naysayers’
The one thing that’s in abundance in the world is “free-advise”. For every positive points there are multiple advise on why we can’t do what we intend to do. It is our responsibility to shield ourselves from these advises which creates self doubt. While it is good to take advise it is equally important to be vary of the people who advise you on why it’s not possible. It’s our vision and we know how to reach that.
The World is waiting to applaud us, once we achieve our Vision