Fake It To Make It

I was diagnosed a Diabetic …

It turned out to be disappointing vacation for my family in the year 2017. We had been to Kuala Lampur, Malaysia for a family vacation. The first signs were excessive thirst and frequent urge to urinate. The first thing I would look for in a tourist place would be the availability of wash rooms.

The shock was waiting for me when I returned from my vacation. My blood test declared me a “DIABETIC – TYPE 2”, with a HbA1c reading of 10.89 (fasting sugar : 293 & PP sugar : 383).  Panic gripped my family. My wife wanted to take me to the Diabetologist.


Where did My Belief come from:

My belief came from the fact that neither of my parents or my grand-parents were diabetic and the belief that diabetic is hereditary (now I know it need not be a prerequisite). I believed this must be a result of me abusing my body for the past few months which has resulted in my sugar level shooting up. Out of the compulsion of my family, I visited the diabetologist.

My Treatment:

My first question to the doctor was “Once diagnosed as a diabetic, do I need to take life long medicines”.  The Doc smiled and said let me put you through medication and suggest life style changes and see how your body responds.

Apart from Medicine, I was asked to do the following:

  1. Stop sugar (White, brown or jaggery it matters)
  2. Start walking for 30 minutes every day. I decided to walk 10,000 steps every day.
  3. Space out your meal to smaller portions. My menu card would look like:
  4. Warm water with powdered fenugreek seed after brushing the teeth
  5. 3 Idlis (steamed rice cakes) for breakfast at 8 am
  6. Some fruits by 11am. (normally apple, guava, grapes, papaya, watermelon)
  7. Lunch by 1 pm (one cup rice with 3 cup vegetables. Ratio 1:3 is important not the quantity)
  8. Sprouts  in the evening 5 pm
  9. Dinner by 7:30 pm (mostly dishes made out of broken wheat)
  10. Normal / Green tea without sugar 2 times in between

During the monthly check up with doctor I could see my blood sugar levels dropping and the doctor used to reduce the dosages accordingly.

Within 6 months, my sugar readings came down to HbA1c of 5.75 (fasting sugar 72, PP 95), when my doctor asked me to stop the medicine and  keep monitoring the sugar levels during the monthly check up. It has been 3 years now and I keep checking my sugar levels regularly and they are within the normal range.

The Power of our Mind:

Our mind is very powerful. The function of our mind is to create coherence between what we believe and the reality. Right or wrong I believed, diabetic is hereditary and that led to my belief that I cannot be diabetic. Unconsciously I have faked my Mind to believe that I am not diabetic and my mind has made it a reality. This experience of my life is the best example to the aphorism “Fake it Until You Make it”.

Is it so simple to follow?

The answer to this question lies within us. Research has shown that we operate out of our subconscious mind 95% of the time. What happens to us mostly depends on what programs are there in our subconscious mind. Our Belief system is a resultant of these programs. If you have it in your subconscious mind then you would believe in it and your mind will ensure that this belief comes true. Then how do we know if we have it in the subconscious mind. Is it possible to program your subconscious mind. We will take it up in another article. Till then try to


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