As coaches we often get corporate clients who are asked to get coached by the HR / sponsor without a clear understanding of what coaching is and how to get the best out of the coaching sessions. They just come to session because they have been asked to, and it is expected from the coach to explain why they are here. It is always better for the HR / Sponsor to brief about the objective of the coaching session and how it would benefit the individual.
Listed below are the 5 important Do’s which the individual being coached has to be mindful of when they enroll for their coaching session.
Do’s 1: Do Trust your coach
If your company has selected someone to be a coach, they would have ensured that the coach has the necessary credentials before being engaged for the coaching assignment. To get their credentials each coach must undergo mandatory hours of training, certain hours of practice and then submit their recordings, write a test as a part of their credentialing journey. Even after getting their credential, they have to undergo continuous learning for renewing the credential.
Do’s 2: Do Believe in the Process
The Coaching process is very structured and time tested. Even though the style of coaching differs among coaches, the process more or less remains the same. As a part of the process coaches would partner with the clients in exploring the issues which could reveal some hidden information about self.
Do’s 3: Do set the Agenda
It is always better for the individual to go with an agenda for the coaching session. What they want to discuss and what are the outcomes that they want to get from the coaching session. The coaches role is more to help the client introspect and get a better understanding of the issue and facilitate the process for the client to find their own solutions.
Do’s 4: Do Open Out
Be frank and open with your coach. Coaching is all about the client’s journey. Benefits of the coaching are reaped by the client. So, it becomes imperative for the client to open out to the coach and express themselves.
Do’s 5: Do follow-up on the actions
Coaching is a journey with a series of conversations between the coach and the client. The client agrees to try some actions at the end of the each of the coaching sessions and it is important for the client to try acting on the areas agreed with the coach. The results of the action would be an input in the next session. This iterative process brings the best results for the client.
The Success of a coaching intervention lies more in the hands of the client than with the Coach